Tuesday, September 15, 2015

義大利飲食科學大學(慢食大學)碩士申請一般流程 General Applying Procedure for a Master Programme at University of Gastronomic Sciences, Italy

# 英文介紹網頁 English Introduction

# 流程介紹 (以申請 Master in Food Culture & Communications : High-Quality Products碩士學程為例)

1. 官方發佈之申請資格需求 Official Announcement 

> 連結 :

> 申請截止日期 : 2015/12/2

> Section 1 - General information :
1. 學年名稱為 Academic Year 2015/2016.
2. 義大利文校名 Established by the Università degli Studi di Scienze Gastronomiche, Piazza Vittorio Emanuele 9, Pollenzo-Bra (Cuneo), hereinafter referred to as "UNISG".
3. 修業期間約一年多一些 The Master course lasts 14 months, starts on March 9, 2016 and comprises a total of 90 CFU credits.

> Section 2 - Admission requirements
1. 最多錄取25人(亦有機會超額,但不多於25*16% = 4人) The maximum number of students that may be enrolled is 25.
2. 最少錄取15人,如果不足15人慢食大學有權終止課程招收計畫,並通知已錄取學生於七日內退還已繳款項 The minimum number of students that may be enrolled is 15. Should this lower limit not be reached, UNISG has the right to not undertake the Master. Students who enrolled in the Master shall be informed of such a decision by email or registered mail. Within 7 days of the aforesaid decision UNISG shall refund enrolled students any fees they have already paid without any surcharge and/or additional expense due to accrued interests and/or currency appreciation.
3. 此碩式招生計畫開放給來自所有領域的學士畢業生或持有相等學經歷者申請 The Master is open to all graduated students in possession of any type of undergraduate, bachelor or other post-secondary degree, comprising a minimum of the equivalent of three years of full-time study.
4. 應屆畢業生須於所申請之碩士計畫開學前一個禮拜以上之前取得學位證明 Applications from students in their final year of studies will be considered only if their degree will be obtained no less than one week before the Master begins. It is forbidden to enroll in the Master and at the same time in any other first or second level degree programs. Final-year students may start the Master program as auditors if they are still to obtain their undergraduate degree, provided the exam session belongs to the previous academic year.

> Section 3 - Admission procedures
1. 線上註冊 Registering online - Apply NowADMISSION REQUEST FORM
* 需填項目 : Name、Surname、Date of birth、Sex、First citizenship、Country of birth、Province of birth、Town of birth、Italian Fiscal code、Country、Province/State、City/Town、Hamlet / Apartment / PO Box / etc (optional)、Street address、Street Number、Current address identical to residency address?、Email、International Prefix、Cell phone、Password
2. 申請動機測試 Completing a motivational test
3. 上傳相關需求文件 Uploading the documents for the application dossier
- 申請動機敘述 Personal essay describing your motivations and reasons for applying to the Master (approx. 400-500 words)
- 簡歷Curriculum Vitae (résumé)
- 學位證明及在校成績 Official final university transcripts and scanned copy of bachelor diploma (or autocertificazione for degrees awarded in Italy)
- 同等學歷證明 “Dichiarazione di Valore” (academic accreditation) of your university degree (applies only if your degree was awarded outside Italy).
- 護照相片 A color passport-size photo (.JPEG format, no larger than 300 kB)
- 護照拷貝(有相片那一頁) A copy of your passport’s photo page
- 推薦信 Optional letter of recommendation (in signed and sealed envelope or sent directly to the university)
- 課外活動表現經歷 Optional awards or certificates of participation in relevant extra-curricular activities
- 申請結果於7日內公布 The ranking list of accepted and waitlisted candidates will be published on the UNISG website by December 9, 2015.
同等學歷證明須於碩士學程開始的第一天前寄達註冊辦公室 Note that for all degrees granted outside of Italy, official translations and an Italian consular accreditation (“Dichiarazione di Valore”) must be obtained by the student and delivered to the Registrar Office. The original document must be received at the Registrar Office no later than the first day of the Master and will be kept by the university for the duration of the program. (The consulate may choose to send the document directly to UNISG.) Application to UNISG from non-EU students must be completed through an Italian consular representative. Those applicants should contact their local Italian consulate as early as possible to endure adequate time for all consular processes.

> Section 4 - University Fees
十四個月的學雜費約 €16500*37 = NT 610500,分三次付清 The university fee for the Master program is 16,500.00 Euros and is payable in three installments as follows:
1. Deposit (€2000)- Within 8 days of the date of online notification of admission
2. First installment (€8500) - Prior to one week before the beginning of classes (no later than March 3, 2016)
3. Second installment (€6000) - Prior to August 31, 2016
* 於碩士學程開始前付清學雜費可減免€250*37 = NT 9250費用 Those students who pay the entire fees prior to the start date of the Master will be eligible for a fee reduction of 250.00 euro.
* 學校帳戶
- Payee: Università degli Studi di Scienze Gastronomiche
- Reference: the student's first and last name, along with the words "university fee"
- Address: P.zza Paolo Ferrari 10 - Milano 20121
- ABI 03359
- CAB 01600
- CIN O (as in “Oscar”)
- C/C 100000101172
- IBAN IT49 O033 5901 6001 0000 0101 172
* UNISG will issue a certificate of enrollment and, on request, a payment receipt. No invoice will be issued as the Master is considered a part of the University’s institutional activities and not as a commercial service.
* The university fees includes the following :
- All academic activities, including conferences, tastings, and seminars
- Study material (in digital format)
- All study trip expenses as programmed, including travel, food and lodging
- Participation in all UNISG and Slow Food events as included in the Master program
- Civil insurance coverage (during academic activities)
- National health insurance (for non-Italian students)
- WiFi internet access on campus and in student housing
- All Registar Office certificates
- 5000 credits on your lunch cards to be used at UNISG Academic Tables

> Section 5 - Selection and admission of applicants
1. Carried out with unappealable judgment by UNISG
2. Selection and admission are based on the evaluation of the applicant’s dossier.
3. Each applicant will be given a score according to his/her dossier, applicants will be ranked according to their scores
4. In the event that two candidates have the same score, a qualitative judgement will be made by UNISG.
5. The list of students admitted to the Master will be published on the UNISG website not earlier than the date noted in Section 3.
6. Admitted students must pay the deposit of the university fees within 8 days of the online notification of admission and send a payment confirmation via email.
7. Possible extensions of payment deadlines may be communicated by email.
8. Students who do not pay the deposit of the university fees within the aforementioned deadline will be regarded as having forgone their admission to the Master and their place may be given to a student from the waiting list.
9. The deposit shall, moreover, constitute acceptance by the admitted candidate of the general conditions outline herein, and of the resulting obligation on the part of the student to pay the entire university fees, with the understanding of the student’s right to withdraw under the terms defined in the previous article.
10. Failure to pay any of the subsequent installments grants UNISG the right to remove the insolvent student from the Master and to cease providing him/her with any related services.
11. Such a student is nonetheless required to pay the whole university fees.
12. In consideration of the fact that the costs and charges borne by UNISG to undertake the Master are in the majority fixed and non-recoverable (a fact the admitted students acknowledge), any refund of all or part of the university fees is not possible, with the exception of the terms and conditions defined in section 4.

> Section 6 - Attendance
1. Attendance in classes and activities is compulsory.
2. Individual student absences may not exceed 20% of the total number of Master activity hours.
3. Any absence exceeding this limit, if due to illness or otherwise serious reasons (backed by adequate evidence), shall be taken into account by the Management Office when evaluations are made for granting Master’s Degree.

>. Section 7 - Certifications
1. Admitted students who complete the entire program and pass all the exams and tests will receive a First Level Master’s Degree in “Food Culture and Communications: High-Quality Products” from UNISG.
2. Admitted non-degree students (auditors) who complete the entire master program will receive a certificate of attendance in the “Food Culture and Communications: High-Quality Products” program from UNISG. This certificate is not an academic qualification and grants no university credits.

> Section 8 - Non-degree students (Auditors)
1. The Master Management may choose, at his own discretion, to open enrollment to the Master to a maximum of 5 students who, though lacking the necessary academic requirements to enroll as students, have a solid professional background in the food and wine sector (these students will be hereinafter referred to as non-degree students).
2. Non-degree students (auditors) shall submit their dossier according to the deadlines and modalities set forth in section 4 of this announcement.
3. Non-degree students are subject to all payment deadlines and all conditions as set forth in section 4 of this announcement.
4. The selection and subsequent admission of non-degree applicants to the Master may not be appealed and is at the sole discretion of UNISG.
5. Admitted students will be notified by UNISG that they have been admitted and shall pay the deposit of the university fees within 8 days of the date of the notification of admission; the notification may also contain any extension to the payment deadline.
6. Non-degree students have no obligation to take tests or exams and will not receive the First Level Master Degree, pursuant to Ministry of Education Decree no. 270 of October 22, 2004; non-degree students who attend at least 80% of the program activities will receive a certificate of attendance from UNISG.
7. This certificate is not an academic qualification and it grants no university credits.

> Section 9 - Information pursuant to Legislative Decree no. 196 of 2003
Pursuant to the laws in force regarding processing of personal data, UNISG hereby states that it will use applicants’ and students’ personal data only for internal and administration purposes and that personal data will be treated with respect to and within the laws in force. Non-sensitive personal information may be used on the websites managed by or related to UNISG and/or its sponsors and through other forms of publication.

# 課程申請連絡管道 Contact

> E-mail : segreteria@unisg.it
> Phone : +39 0172 458518
> Fax : +39 0172 458500
> DIRECTOR : Dtt.ssa Stefania Ribotta
> DEAN : Prof. Piercarlo Grimaldi

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